Stone Gazed

Freely inspired to the legend of Medusa, one of the three Gorgons together with her sisters Stheno, the strong one, and Euryale, she who leaps far.
The song rises from the event of a predecessor of Perseus, departing on a journey to seek for the legendary creature, who, unlike the mythological hero, will not be able to decapitate the monster but will be turned to stone by her glance.
Inevitably the meditation moves to an introspective level, lingering on the conflict between the petrified body and the lucid thoughts; thoughts that cry for death, that beg the same destiny for the mind as for the body. The forced immortality implies the inevitable sight of time passing, of events following each other, of future becomin past with the awareness that one's future will never come; how dreadful this condition must be... No hero, no matter how fearless, could bear this miserable destiny that slowly leads to insanity an undying mind trapped in a cold stone sculpture; boldness isn't enough to face eternal madness...